Systemic Antiinfectives
500 mg
Produk Branded
Penggunaan bukan sebagai obat tunggal, tetapi dikombinasi dengan obat antituberkulosa, misalnya rifampicin, INH.
Dosis lazim : 15 - 25 mg/kg BB sehari sebagai dosis tunggal, sekali setiap 24 jam.
President Director of the Company since 2017. He was appointed as a President Director of the Company based on the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated June 5, 2017. An Indonesian citizen, born in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, on July 5, 1964, domiciled in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Trisakti University. In 1985, he began his career at the Public Accountant Firm of Drs. Joseph Susilo & Partners, and was also a lecturer at STIE Trisakti. He joined Kalbe in 1990, in the Finance and Accounting Department. In 1992, he was appointed the Finance Director of PT Dankos Laboratories Tbk, where he served until 1997, and as Director of the Company since 1997. From 2006 until 2010 he served as President Director of PT Enseval Putera Megatrading Tbk, the Company’s distribution division.